B.A.C.A. is a 501c non-profit, so they might take a donation, or a ration of grilled burgers & steaks. They often show up at court hearings to represent the child, and basically stare down and indimidate the fuck out of the abuser/molester. That being the case, the Mayor of Warwick, a judge, sheriff or city attorney would very likely be familiar with B.A.C.A., and would probably welcome them with open arms. To anyone organizing this event, I would STRONGLY suggest you contact a such a local official, and explain the JW child abuse problem to them. Maybe some former victims can talk to them as well. I'm sure they've already been contacted about the protests in general, so I would not think of it as a stretch to get them on board with B.A.C.A., and to make contact with them. But, best to get on it like now. First thing in the morning.
That's not to say that you/organizers shouldn't contact B.A.C.A. as well, but the city officials in Warwick likely have an existing rapport with the group. BTW, these Harley riding, scary looking, wooley-mammouths-in-human-form, ALL undergo a thorough police background check. They also receive intensive training in counseling, ect. I think there are a few ex- 1 percenters from waay back when, but all good dudes (& chicks).
Here's the anti-Westboro meetup I went to. As you can see, the cops were right there. Westboro protesters were chanting "God Hates Fags" & "Down with Soldiers," ect, but they couldn't compete with V-TWIN PIPES. Haha.